Saturday, October 19, 2013

Monday Night Football

This week I theorized that the Vikings defense was so bad that out of the 5 QBs they've faced, 3 of them would have had their best game of the season against the Vikings. Here are the results:

Matt Stafford: Had his second best game of the season.

Jay Cutler: Had his second best game of the season.

Brian Hoyer: Had his worst game of the season. Three INTs. But also 3 TDs. And the Browns won.

Ben Roethlisberger: Had his second best game of the season.

Cam Newton: Had his best game of the season.

So, while I was wrong about the actual performance, I think my point is proven: Quarterbacks do very well against the Vikings.
Which leads me to Monday night. I'm looking for Eli Manning to have a big night, his best of a very bad season to be sure, but his best so far and maybe his high water mark of the year.

I expect the Giants to win their first game. I just can't make it a best bet.

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